Ellie Blackwood
Fantasy writer-in-progress making video essays about books, sci-fi, and Doctor Who. Subscribe for my latest content and early access to my YouTube videos!
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Many recent popular books originated as fanfic -- but is that a bad thing?
BookTok is dead. Long live BookTok. Plus, early access to my latest YouTube video essay.
Proven tips for getting back into reading, plus early access to my latest YouTube video.
A new trickle of YA books from major publishers are calling themselves dystopian again. But how similar are these books to the original trend?
The downfall of the world's most popular writing challenge, and what I'm doing instead.
Romantasy, or fantasy romance, is a hot genre right now. But who is it really for?
In which I park my butt in the same place that Matt Smith did, and other life updates.
It was hard, but maybe that's a good thing?
Authors are supposed to stay out of reviewer spaces. What happens when a book reviewer wants to become an author?
Word counts for fantasy novels are shrinking. What does that mean for new authors?
No, it's not just procrastination, Mom.
I felt frustrated for years that I wasn't getting anywhere in my publishing journey. This is the story of what changed.